Love Letter | Small Bouquet


Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $70.00.

What inside: roses, gerberas, carnations, foliage

A romantic bouquet that speaks from the heart, featuring a passionate mix of red and pink roses, gerberas, and carnations, softened by delicate white foliage — just like a love note sealed with a kiss.

Available in Small size only, 2 dozen stems


love letter bouquet

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Large, Medium, Small


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Product FAQ

Will I get the exact product as displayed in the picture?

Product pictures are examples of our previous work. Our San Francisco florist will keep the style and color palette of each arrangement. All Bouquets and Bloom Boxes are made with fresh seasonal blooms and foliage. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee specific flowers or exactly the same colors.

Can I add a message on the card for my order?

Absolutely! Provide your message in order notes, and your recipient will get a personalized card with a handwritten message together with the flower delivery.

Do you do a flower delivery?

Yes, we do flower delivery in San Francisco and the nearest San Francisco Bay Area towns.

What time will you do a flower delivery?

Please note your preferred time for the flower delivery when you make an order. We will try our best to make a flower delivery in the requested time frame. Meantime we guarantee that your bouquet(s) or Bloom Box(es) will be delivered on the requested date.

How much is a flower delivery?

Delivery price depends on your location. Enter your delivery address on the checkout page and a price for flower delivery will be added on to the price of an order.

Can I pick-up flowers?

Of course! We offer a free pick-up at our Studio in San Francisco Mission District: 1160 4th St, San Francisco, CA 94158. Please note your pick up time in notes when you make an order.

Can I request a return or refund?

Please learn about our return and refund policy.

Love Letter Bouquet

Love Letter | Small Bouquet

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $70.00.